Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Referral Pictures!!

We would like to introduce (again) Lei Yi Qing. Now for the real juicy stuff...her specs.

As of May 11, 2007:
Height: 71cm (27.9")
Weight: 8.8kg (19.4lb)
Head Circum: 45cm (17.7")
Chest Circum: 46cm (18.1")

We also received a fairly thorough evaluation of her development and personality. To be quite honest, it is hard to pay too much attention to it when all you want to do is stare at the pictures and memorize are little pudgy crease. When we come down off cloud nine and really study the evaluation, we will try to share some of the interesting traits that could mimic current members of the household (active, restless, etc.) Thanks to all for caring and praying. This has been a long time coming, but feels more like the beginning than it ever did during the wait. Ta ta until later.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

At long last.....

Well, it has finally happened! Although we have not known who she was specifically, she has been in our thoughts a prayers every day over the last 20 months and 2 days.

Here is what we know tonight.

Lei Yi Qing
Born: June 18, 2006
Leizhou Social Welfare Institute
Guangdong Province
(Leizhou is near the southern most tip of China)

The referral package should arrive at our agency tomorrow and we will head to their office to learn more about our precious gift. If I can fight through the emotions, I hope to have some pictures posted tomorrow night.

Now after all this waiting, what do we do now? I'm sure we will come up with something ;-)