Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Wednesday was medical appointment day for the group. We gathered together at 10:00am and walked to the nearby photo shop where all the girls had headshots made for their medical form and US visa application. They got a good one of Kate in mid cry which you can kind of see to the left. It was sad and funny at the same time. After their photo shot, we walked a few blocks to the medical examination building here on the island. The exam was really quite simple. There were three stations that each child had to visit. One checked their torso and main body parts (chest, legs, head circumference). A second checked their ear, nose, and throat. The third captured her vital statistics (weight, height). The whole process of pictures and medical exam took just over an hour. I’m glad we seemed to get there early because a couple of other groups arrived after us and it became very crowded with all the babies and parents in the less than spacious exam waiting area.

We spent another quiet afternoon on the island and I finally broke down and purchased a few items to bring back. They were mostly things to hang on the wall to remember the trip (like we really need anything to remember this trip).

On Thursday our local contacts (Liping and Peter) head to the US consulate to deliver our adoption paperwork and visa application for Kate. We wait in our room for a couple of hours until they are finished (in case there are issues that they need to call us to correct). After that we are free to do whatever strikes our fancy.

Kate continues to walk more and more. The more she walks, the more “regular” she becomes. We spent more time in the play room Wednesday and Kate got a chance to see and play with some other kids. She likes to watch what other kids do and eventually work her way over to them to play. She also likes to imitate what we do. So far, she can give a decent “high five” and has also started blowing kisses. Now that she seems to be feeling a little better, she also seems to be doing more things each day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gordon Clan, we are thrilled to have taken the ride with you through your journal. It is a joy to watch your bonds grow stronger every day, as Kate warms to your love. Safe travels home - and a prayer for a well-behaved toddler on the plane! Love, Katie, Alan, & Maddie